I have had a great week so far, I went out with my best friend Laura for her birthday and we achieved our goal of not getting drunk, just being merry. Our night consisted of cocktails, karaoke, dancing, food and fun. It was the first time we had ever gone out just the two of us and the first time in 6 months either of us had gone for a night out. For the occasion, I picked up a new dress and bought some alcohol so we could start the night off!

I love dooley's and hadn't seen it for about 5 years, as I went to morrisons to pick up Laura's Corkys, I spotted it and just had to buy it. Its like Baileys only its a toffee flavor, best served over ice, but still quite nice to drink on its own. It was always my go to drink on old nights out when i  was sick of alcopops and vodka.

I have wrapped all my Christmas presents and now only have a few left to do, the ones that I have only just bought. I only have 2 people left to sort out presents for and these are my mother in law and father in law. They have always been the hardest. My friend Karly has come up with an idea to make for my mother in law, but still need to find something else to get her as well. thank goodness I still have 4 weeks.

Once day I just could not face cooking so I ordered a chinese, It was a top up between that and an indian, but i decided on the chinese because they have a deal and my husband like the chicken balls, but likes nothing from and indian, the boring sod!

Other than that my week has consisted of keeping my flat tidy which I have failed miserably with, and I now have a cold that is slowly getting worse. roll on 6pm 22nd dec. This is my last shift over christmas and I go back on the 27th.